30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 9

I have recently had a huge problem with this. Especially this year for some reason. The term "millennials" for example. People act like this is the first generation of teenagers to be rebellious or to act like, well, teenagers. But what really bothers me, is the things that bother people about millennials. For example: girls are becoming feminists at younger ages, girls wearing what they want, standing up against racism and bullying and heaven forbid young people use slang (something that's been happening since recorded history, google it). It's not violence, or bullying or anything that hurts anyone that bothers people about millennials, it's selfies and starbucks. It's that they care about other human beings and about other's feelings. Sometimes it does get out of hand and I'll admit that. But there is a meme on the internet about how much more wonderful it was in WW2 when teenagers were forced into war, and how awful it is now that "entitled teenagers" are standing up and telling people to stop being jerks to other people. How messed up is your mind to think that it is a better state of affairs to send people who aren't legally allowed to drink off to almost certain death than for them to care about other human beings? And this is not this generation, this is all of them. Back in the 60's there were so many people against the vietnam war, because it was 0% america's business. Yet we had a draft and forced people to fight in a war they didn't even sign up for, and now we shame people who dodged the draft. I'm sorry, well no I'm not really sorry at all. I would have dodged it too. No one should be forced to put their life on the line for something they don't believe in. Anyway, those "hippies" that protested the war, were treated the same as all protesters. They are talked about by people who set at home and do nothing, except complain about how whiney these people are. Those same people who complain about literally anything and everything minor, like their neighbor not cutting the grass enough, are complaining about people who are taking time out of their life to stand up for what they believe to be right. I don't care if you agree with what they are protesting or not. That is a right of all americans that should never be taken away from them. And I am getting off topic here. The point is, this generation's youth is not that different than all the generation's youth. It's a vicious cycle of people blaming each other because of their age. I read an article explaining this on cracked.com (where else). It was very accurate. People are all basically the same. Older people complaining about young people will always happen and vice versa. This particular batch are not any more entitled than you were as a teen. Think about it.


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