Seven Day Poem Puzzle- answer

  1. envy
  2. gluttony 
  3. greed
  4. lust
  5. pride
  6. sloth
  7. wrath
and these are the 7 deadly sins, although this list is not in the Bible, these things are sinful and lead to self destruction.

what I found interesting is that when I was thinking about these and researching about it, I found one list that described them all but sloth was a little more than what we usually hear. It said sloth was not only being lazy and not doing anything, but also just not using your God given talents. That was a good one, and I agree, most people think that if you have a mediocre 9-5 and just "get by" then you will be the "winner at life" because you always hear people complaining about how millennials don't want to have a real job, or artists are just lazy and are just doing it to avoid a "real" job. But when I think about it, they are more lazy. I know because I have a "real" job and if I were lazy I could just go to work and do the bare minimum and go home and do nothing. But that is not what I do, I write, I sing, I draw, etc. And although these things are my passion and I love them, especially writing. It is nowhere near easy. I am not satisfied with a mediocre existence, I am an artist and I have to do it like normal people need to breathe. But any real artist will tell you that it's not easy, you can not be lazy and do real art, not only does it take physical exertion, it's mental and emotional. It takes everything out of you sometimes, and it's every part of you. But there is never a more satisfying feeling to me than being completely spent and worn out from putting my all into a piece of art or writing.


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