30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 25

Just four? okay, four weird traits I have...

Number one, I guess would be that I have a good memory. That sounds normal but it's almost at a eidetic level. I've often gotten comments about it, positive and negative. It's sort of like a photographic memory but mine is more based on audio. I remember what people said or what I have read or thought about. Not good with remembering date or figures at all. Just moments, tv or movie scenes, lyrics.

Number 2, I'm a nerd, I get super into things that I like. PLL, once upon a time, hey arnold. I'm a major nerd.

Number 3, I get emotionally attached to fictional characters, if they are portrayed by a good actor and are well written.

Number 4, I am a cinephile, I love old movies and I love thinking about moments in scenes, I analyze the writing and acting and moments of a film's aesthetic. I guess that could fit into the nerd category but I didn't want to get too deep into this... there are like so many more weird things about me besides these though.  


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