30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 7

Well I don't have any tattoos. I'm not sure if they are a "sin" or not. I don't judge people for having them, I honestly think some of them look really cool. The main reason I don't get one is because I change what I'm "into" a lot. For example; if I'd have gotten one as a teenager it might've said "freakychic" (don't ask) or would've been spongebob or something. Honestly I would love to have the option of a temporary tattoo, that looks like a real one. (not one from a quarter machine). And I know there are henna tattoos, but they are always tribal, and I would and probably will get a henna tattoo more than once in my life. I would just like to have something that is exactly like a regular tattoo but isn't permanent. Anyway, if I were to get one, I have a few things in mind of what I would get. Something I would get after getting married would be a verse of scripture from the Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine". Of course I could alternatively get that engraved in our wedding bands. I just think that entire book is beautiful and is such and expression of what really married love is supposed to be. Another thing I love is white tattoos, they look so different, I'd like a tiny white tattoo on my inner wrist of a semicolon(learn about it) not only to honor my best friend who passed, Cody, but also for myself, as I've been through a lot. Of course I did get a bracelet already so...
But anyway, if I were to get one, it would be one of those.


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