30 day writing challenge- Day 1

Day 1- Five Problems with Social Media
- Bullies and Trolls. The biggest problem with social media is that people can be, well, not so nice. In the real world there are bullies, and sure that's horrible. But when you get bullied in real life, you can go home or avoid those people. When you're on social media, those bullies can follow you home legally. Plus, it isn't just people you know, it's strangers all around the world. It's so bad that it's taken on it's own word "trolling". It happens even more often to celebrities because some people seem to think if you are famous, you cease being a real human with feelings.
- Interaction. I will say this, with social media it is a two sided coin when it comes to human interaction. I personally feel like it has helped me a lot with connecting with people who "get" me, because most people that I know in real life don't. And aside from that, I've connected more with people I do know. But since this is a list of problems, I can't say that social media is without it's flaws in the socializing department. There could be certain people or situations in which social media causes someone to become more reclusive.
- False identity. And I'm not talking about "catfishing" ...yet. I'm talking about the image that people put onto social media that isn't exactly an accurate portrayal of their life. Of course who would want to put negative or embarrassing things online for anyone to read (besides people like me, writers and the like). But there is a limit to how much is too much. It seems as though some people actually live their lives according to how it will seem on social media. Planning trips just to get a good selfie, buying things to show off on facebook, etc. It's kind of disturbing.
- Catfishing. A term coined by Nev Schulman in the movie of the same name. And then the t.v. show. I don't think I need to go into why this is a problem. But there are problems with this that a lot of people don't even think of, aside from what you'd see on the show. First of all pedophiles can pose as young people and that's disgusting. But what a lot of people don't think of is pedophiles running not just a "profile" but a "page" on facebook or something. Something that seems like an "official" fan page of a show or movie, could be ran by someone completely different than what they say. Or even a pervert. I actually know this has happened and there is honestly almost nothing you can do about it. It's terrifying.
- Relationship drama. Social media doesn't really cause cheaters, it exposes them faster. But the problem here is not with people who are actually cheating but with people who are jealous of their S/O. So many unnecessary fights and breakups are caused because one person "liked" a photo or status that made the other person jealous. And this applies to friendships too. I've seen and had friendships ruined over someone posting an opposing opinion on social media. It's really quite ridiculous. Of course if you were that good of friends, or if the relationship was healthy, it wouldn't be ruined just because of something on the internet.
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