30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 8

A book I love would first and foremost be the Bible because I literally love it like you would a person because it essentially is. I loved Catch-22 and Karen Kingsbury books. I love reading just about any book besides textbooks. Unless they are on a subject I like, like psychology for example. Anyway, the only book I really despise and wish didn't exist is "50 shades", I have several reasons why, which I won't go into, because that would take all day. That "book" is bad for humanity. Anyway since I haven't actually read that, I would say a book I've read but didn't like would be "dreamcatcher" by stephen king. I mean I have read too many of his books to name or count. I know what he's about and his style.And I always enjoy them for the most part. (I have a love/hate relationship to his writing) But I can't say I don't like any of his other ones. But for some reason with "dreamcatcher" I just could not enjoy it, t...