30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 23

I can't really believe this is one of them but then again, I have a lot to say about this. There are some people in my family that I am closer too, mostly based on actual geographical location. I've had ups and downs with most of my family. Whether it was disapproving of something they were doing or whether they got mad at me. Actually I have a family member that is probably currently mad at me right now over politics, and it's one of my favorite people in the world. But first of all that person is family, I don't care if she lit me on fire, I would still love her. Because the thing is the only reason I have ever gotten mad at any member of my family, is because I wanted what was best for them. I have never actually disliked someone in my family and I would never, ever turn my back on not a single one of them. I know eventually things will settle down and we'll be friends again. And I don't care how mad they are at me or vice versa, I would literally die for them. I know they would do the same. I know there are some families where this isn't the case. But it is for mine.


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