
Showing posts from November, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 27

What I wore today, well that's kind of funny because today is the first day I've been able to do my full workout since I got a cold last week. So for part of the day I was in workout gear, which involves these awesome yoga pants. However today is my real day off, no errands or anything and no work, so I am currently in my go-to lounging outfit which is VS PINK sweatpants and a band T-shirt. These are kind of my favorite things to wear, I'm forever a college student, even had taco bell for dinner. I feel like being a writer and being artistic allows for me to be like this without judging myself too much. Call me Mavis Gary with hopefully a better ending. Judge her all you want, but remember she was a successful author.

30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 26

To all my exes, I'd like to say thank you. Thank you to most for being a lesson in what I don't want. And some of you for teaching me what I do want. And some of those are all mixed together. And some of you aren't technically exes at all, but you still fit in this somehow. Thank you to the one or two nice ones that I still get along with for being kind and proving the other ones wrong about how crazy and awful I am. Since we can get along just fine, I think it goes without saying where the problem really lies. And to you, the male version of me, you have taught me a lot, mostly how to not be ashamed of who I am, you taught me how to love myself and I will never regret what we had all those years ago. I've just started a new 'something' and because of all that I've learned in life to this point, I am a better person for him, I see in him all that I want, and I'm still learning about him but so far, it's literally crazy that this happened, right whe...

30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 25

Just four? okay, four weird traits I have... Number one, I guess would be that I have a good memory. That sounds normal but it's almost at a eidetic level. I've often gotten comments about it, positive and negative. It's sort of like a photographic memory but mine is more based on audio. I remember what people said or what I have read or thought about. Not good with remembering date or figures at all. Just moments, tv or movie scenes, lyrics. Number 2, I'm a nerd, I get super into things that I like. PLL, once upon a time, hey arnold. I'm a major nerd. Number 3, I get emotionally attached to fictional characters, if they are portrayed by a good actor and are well written. Number 4, I am a cinephile, I love old movies and I love thinking about moments in scenes, I analyze the writing and acting and moments of a film's aesthetic. I guess that could fit into the nerd category but I didn't want to get too deep into this... there are like so many more w...

30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 24

This is not very bold or dramatic of me and as a writer, that's a no-no, but at this time, so much has been going on with me and everyone else it seems like, that I'm not going to go into anything depressing, I miss a lot of people who have passed, I miss a cute boy who I just saw this morning, I miss Pretty Little Liars, and I will really miss it when it is over. How about instead of talking about something specific that I miss, I write about what it could mean to miss something? sound alright? Yes? Okay good. There are so many different levels of missing someone or something. Like missing the old days, your childhood, tv shows that are no longer airing. That's nostalgia. Then there is missing someone who has passed on, and that is grief. But what do you call it when you're not heartbroken, but you miss someone you care about? I can't think of a word that fits with that kind of missing someone. Maybe longing? which is defined as a yearning desire? but you...

30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 23

I can't really believe this is one of them but then again, I have a lot to say about this. There are some people in my family that I am closer too, mostly based on actual geographical location. I've had ups and downs with most of my family. Whether it was disapproving of something they were doing or whether they got mad at me. Actually I have a family member that is probably currently mad at me right now over politics, and it's one of my favorite people in the world. But first of all that person is family, I don't care if she lit me on fire, I would still love her. Because the thing is the only reason I have ever gotten mad at any member of my family, is because I wanted what was best for them. I have never actually disliked someone in my family and I would never, ever turn my back on not a single one of them. I know eventually things will settle down and we'll be friends again. And I don't care how mad they are at me or vice versa, I would literally die for t...