seven day poem puzzle
there will be seven poems about a different subject, all relating to one another in some way and you can try and guess what they are individually and what connects them.
you look to the left and you look to the right
you don't hold it in your hand and you put up a fight
the neighbor wants what they don't get to keep
it's more than just a color, this monster goes deep
this is one of how many things that are deadly
if you could only look around it says it already
you feel a void, so you fill the void but this is
in your mind, not something you can avoid
on the other side of the fence, things are the best
but you can't reach and it won't satisfy you just to be a guest.
you look to the left and you look to the right
you don't hold it in your hand and you put up a fight
the neighbor wants what they don't get to keep
it's more than just a color, this monster goes deep
this is one of how many things that are deadly
if you could only look around it says it already
you feel a void, so you fill the void but this is
in your mind, not something you can avoid
on the other side of the fence, things are the best
but you can't reach and it won't satisfy you just to be a guest.
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