girl power, it's not new for me

This line, in this movie was one of the many things I can look back on in my life that lets me know who I am, who I always was and who I'm meant to be. I remember as soon as she said this I felt something amazing. See what I hear most of the time is that people who start being like this, who stand up for human rights. Who stand up for what is right. Are brainwashed by hollywood propaganda. I'm not defending the people in hollywood, not everything they do is good, in fact it's mostly corrupt and there's a lot of discrimination within hollywood and all media as well. But here's something else, they don't have an agenda, they don't care if it's domocrat or republican, they care about money. And the people who work in hollywood are usually artists, artists see things that most people don't and they have ways of working their own beliefs into things. Those things get past the people in charge with ease as long as it will make them money. They aren't...