why you should believe the girls (extremely graphic)
The friend and the stranger I’m going to tell a story; this is about a couple of friends I’ve had. One, I had been friends with for twelve years. The other friend was practically a stranger at the time of this story, I had met him briefly a few times but never held a conversation with him alone in my life. This is a story about attempted rape… (trigger warning) THE STRANGER The stranger spoke to me softly and led me away from the crowd, once we were alone he started to kiss me. The stranger was kind and gentle. THE FRIEND The friend found us, he was angry, I didn't know why but realized he was upset about someone “stealing” his “property” (me) THE STRANGER The stranger was upset as well, upset that he might’ve in some way caused trouble in my life. THE FRIEND Walked away angry, convinced a woman had done him wrong. THE STRANGER The stranger took me by the hand and led me to a secluded place, sharing laughs and kisses, all alone, away from ever...