
Showing posts from October, 2015

our goal as Christians

What should be our main goal as Christians? We are to go to church to get closer to God, so that we can be changed, we don't go simply to be entertained. I personally find most church services to be fulfilling, I do enjoy myself while there... however, I feel like "entertainment" is too shallow and flippant a word to use for it but I feel like that’s what some are going to get. And some Sundays days I'm sleepy in morning service because I'm human, but I go to be faithful, and because I NEED too. We NEED to learn, we can't learn enough about God, we can't get close enough...But in today’s society you do hear a lot of complaining, that “old fashioned” churches don’t do enough “fun” things. That they don’t get up and shout and dance enough, there isn’t enough going on. People complain that although they go all the time, they still don’t have money or good health. Or that they got something from God but haven’t had a “yes” answer again and I’ll refer you ...